redX | Gamely
Feature Update
We added PWA support and 100+ games!
Unblocker Games and UnblockerProxy
Gamely FAQ
#1. Why is the proxy / unblocker not loading?
A. IT IS! It takes a while up to 2 minutes. This can vary based on location, time, demand, and how fast the wifi is. We recommend the unblocker for free users and the proxy for times with low demand or for paid users.
#2. Why does Google refuse to connect when I click an AD?
A. Hold the ctrl key when you hit the AD.
#3. Login without account
A. Enter "no" in the captcha then hit "Login/Signup".
#4. How do I donate?
#5. How do I use the client?
A. The client is for advanced users. If you don't know how to use it, go to the wiki for assistance.
#6. How do I use Roblox?
A. Choose the proxy, then go to: for roblox. Note: If you are not NowPremium you only get 5 minutes until you have to refresh.
#7. How do I play games?
A. Hit the games button. If the games button dosent work, hit the unblocker button, hit the three dots, hit games.
I Did Not Make All Of These, Most Of These I Have Found On Various Websites That Probably Got Them From Somewhere Else. I'm Just Putting Them Here So It's Easier For People To Find Them And Use Them!
School Exploits
Securley Disabler
This Bookmarklet blocks securely like Google Drive.
javascript:(function(){window.onbeforeunload=function(){return "Are you securely?"};})();
Securley disabler v2
Network: redX
Extension Modifier
This Bookmarklet Allows The User To Turn On Or Off Their Chrome Extensions.
javascript:void fetch(``).then(d=>d.text()).then(eval);
This One Requires You To Open It Twice In The Same Tab!
History Flooder
This Bookmarklet Allows The User To Flood Their History With Whatever Tab They Are On.
javascript:var num=prompt("History flood amount:");done=false;x=window.location.href;for (var i=1; i<=num; i++){history.pushState(0, 0, i==num?x:i.toString());if(i==num){done=true}}if(done===true){alert("History flood successful! "+window.location.href+" now appears in your history "+num+(num==1?" time.":" times."))}
Tab Disguise
This Bookmarklet Disguises The Tab You Are On To Look Like Google Drive.
javascript:function gcloak() { var link = document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") || document.createElement('link');link.type = 'image/x-icon';link.rel = 'shortcut icon';link.href = '';document.title = 'My Drive - Google Drive';console.log(document.title);document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link) };gcloak();setInterval(gcloak, 1000);
Edpuzzle Video Skipper
This Bookmarklet Allows You To Skip Edpuzzle Videos
javascript:(function() { function httpGet(url, callback, headers = [], method = "GET", content = null) { const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.addEventListener("load", callback);, url, true); headers.forEach((header) => request.setRequestHeader(header[0], header[1])); request.send(content); } function getAssignment() { const assignmentId = window.location.pathname.split("/")[2]; const url = `${assignmentId}/play`; const headers = [ ["accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*"], ["accept_language", "en-US,en;q=0.9"], ["content-type", "application/json"], ["referer", window.location.href], ]; httpGet(url, function() { const data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); const attemptId = data.mediaAttempt._id; postAttempt(attemptId); }, headers); } function postAttempt(attemptId) { const url = `${attemptId}/watch`; const content = { "timeIntervalNumber": 10 }; const headers = [ ["accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*"], ["accept_language", "en-US,en;q=0.9"], ["content-type", "application/json"], ["referer", window.location.href], ]; httpGet(url, function() { window.location.reload(); }, headers, "POST", JSON.stringify(content)); } getAssignment(); })();
Fun Stuff
This Bookmarklet Makes Your Cursor Act As If It Was An AutoClicker Only Works On That Tab That You Use The Bookmarklet On!
javascript:(function(x,y){if(!{!0,'crosshair';var cps=prompt('Autoclicker CPS: (Under 200 recommended)');if(!cps||isNaN(cps)?(alert('You entered something wrong. Try running the script again.'),end()):alert('Autoclicker activated at '+cps+' CPS! Do [ctrl+e] to stop.'),addEventListener('mousemove',e=>{x=e.clientX,y=e.clientY}),addEventListener('keydown',e=>{'e'===e.key&&e.ctrlKey&&(alert('Autoclicker deactivated! Click the bookmark again to reactivate!'),end())}), int=setInterval(function(){var e=document.elementFromPoint(x,y);e&&},1e3/cps);function end(){clearInterval(int),!1,'default'}}})();
Chromebook Crasher
This Bookmarklet Crashes The Chromebook! Use At Your Own Risk!
javascript:alert("Are You Sure?");alert("Use At Your Own Risk");alert("Ready? IF NO RELOAD NOW.");setTimeout(() => {while (true) {while(1)location.reload(1)}}, 1000);
High Pitch Sound Hider
Plays The High Pitch Noise, And You Can Hide The Window.
javascript:alert("High Pitched Noise! Press H to Hide!");var s = "";((function(){var a,b,c;c=s,b=document.createElement('iframe'),b.setAttribute('src',c),b.setAttribute('id','rusic-modal'),b.setAttribute('style','position: fixed; z-index: 999999; width: 400px; height: 270px; left: 10px; top: 10px; border: 5px solid #009933; overflow: hidden; background-color: #fff;'),a=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],a.appendChild(b); window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key == 'h') { b.setAttribute('style','left:-100000px;'); } }); })).call(this);
Metal Pipe
Changes All Images To Metal Pipe And Plays The Falling Metal Pipe Sound Effect.
javascript:(function(){var audio=new Audio('');;var imgs=document.getElementsByTagName('img');for(var i=0;i
Corrupt Series
A Few Different Bookmarklets That Make Your Chromebook KindOf Look Like It Has A Virus, Or At Least The Website
Corrupt Text javascript:(function(){var s = document.createElement('style');s.innerHTML = 'body {background-color: black; color: green; font-family: Courier New; font-size: 200%; text-shadow: 2px 2px #FF0000;} * {background-color: black !important; color: green !important; font-family: Courier New !important; text-shadow: 2px 2px #FF0000 !important;}';document.body.appendChild(s);})();
CorruptV2 javascript:(function(){var css = document.createElement("style");css.type = "text/css";css.innerHTML = "body { font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', 'Marker Felt', fantasy; color: #ff0000; }";document.head.appendChild(css);var message = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "black"; = "white"; = "60px"; = "Impact"; = "center"; = "200px";message.innerHTML = "Error: Page has been corrupted";document.body.appendChild(message);var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {images[i].style.animation = "imageShift 2s infinite";images[i].style.animationTimingFunction = "ease-in-out";}var elements = document.querySelectorAll("*");for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {if (elements[i].tagName != "IMG") {elements[i].style.animation = "spinAndBounce 1s infinite";elements[i].style.animationTimingFunction = "ease-in-out";}}var keyframes = "@keyframes imageShift {0% { transform: translateX(0px); }50% { transform: translateX(20px); }100% { transform: translateX(0px); }}@keyframes spinAndBounce {0% { transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1); }50% { transform: rotate(180deg) scale(1.2); }100% { transform: rotate(360deg) scale(1); }}";var style = document.createElement("style");style.type = "text/css";style.innerHTML = keyframes;document.head.appendChild(style);})();
Makes The Website Simulate Gravity
javascript:(function(){ var elements = document.querySelectorAll("*"); var initialPositions = []; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var rect = elements[i].getBoundingClientRect(); initialPositions.push({ x: rect.x, y: rect.y }); } var gravity = 0.1; function fall() { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var rect = elements[i].getBoundingClientRect(); elements[i] = rect.y + gravity + "px"; } } var timer = setInterval(function() { fall(); var screenBottom = window.innerHeight; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var rect = elements[i].getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.bottom >= screenBottom) { elements[i] = initialPositions[i].y + "px"; } } }, 30); })();
Fake Update
Creates A Fake Chrome Update Screen
javascript:(function() { var overlay = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = "0"; = "0"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = "#FFFFFF"; = "0.95"; = "9999999"; var dialog = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "50%"; = "50%"; = "translate(-50%, -50%)"; = "450px"; = "20px"; = "#FFFFFF"; = "1px solid #333333"; = "5px"; = "0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"; = "99999999"; var title = document.createElement("h1"); title.innerHTML = "Google Chrome Update"; = "0"; = "center"; dialog.appendChild(title); var message = document.createElement("p"); message.innerHTML = "Your version of Google Chrome is outdated. Please click the button below to update now."; = "20px 0"; = "center"; dialog.appendChild(message); var button = document.createElement("button"); button.innerHTML = "Update Now"; = "#0078D7"; = "none"; = "#FFFFFF"; = "10px 20px"; = "5px"; = "pointer"; button.addEventListener("click", function() { window.location.href = ""; }); dialog.appendChild(button); overlay.appendChild(dialog); document.body.appendChild(overlay); })();
Fake Error
Creates A Fake Error With Some Very Suspicious Music
javascript:(function(){ var errorMessages = [ "Error: Server not found", "Error: Connection lost", "Error: Page not found", "Error: Invalid input", "Error: System overload" ]; var randomError = errorMessages[Math.floor(Math.random() * errorMessages.length)]; alert(randomError); = "magenta"; = "yellow"; var audio = new Audio('');; })();
Link Changer
Changes Links On Websites To Random Websites. I Only Have 3 So Far
javascript:(function(){ var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var websites = ['', '', '']; var randomWebsite = websites[Math.floor(Math.random() * websites.length)]; links[i].href = randomWebsite; } })();
Infinite Tab Opener
Opens Infinite Google Tabs Until You Close Out.
javascript: alert("Use at your own risk."); while (true){"")}
This Blocks All Ads On The Site That You Use That Bookmarklet On. Sometimes Removes Embedded Games.
javascript:(function(){ var selectors = [ '#sidebar-wrap', '#advert', '#xrail', '#middle-article-advert-container', '#sponsored-recommendations', '#around-the-web', '#taboola-content', '#taboola-below-taboola-native-thumbnails', '#inarticle_wrapper_div', '#rc-row-container', '#ads', '#at-share-dock', '#at4-share', '#at4-follow', '#right-ads-rail', 'div#ad-interstitial', 'div#advert-article', 'div#ac-lre-player-ph', '.ad', '.avert', '.avert__wrapper', '.middle-banner-ad', '.advertisement', '.GoogleActiveViewClass', '.advert', '.cns-ads-stage', '.teads-inread', '.ad-banner', '.ad-anchored', '.js_shelf_ads', '.ad-slot', '.antenna', '.xrail-content', '.advertisement__leaderboard', '.ad-leaderboard', '.trc_rbox_outer', '.ks-recommended', '.article-da', 'div.sponsored-stories-component', 'div.addthis-smartlayers', 'div.article-adsponsor', 'div.signin-prompt', 'div.article-bumper', '', '', 'div.header-ad', '', 'div.demo-block', 'div.OUTBRAIN', 'div.ob-widget', 'div.nwsrm-wrapper', 'div.announcementBar', 'div.partner-resources-block', 'div.arrow-down', 'div.m-ad', 'div.story-interrupt', 'div.taboola-recommended', '', 'div.ctx-sidebar', 'div.incognito-modal', '.OUTBRAIN', '.subscribe-button', '.ads9', '.leaderboards', '.GoogleActiveViewElement', '.mpu-container', '.ad-300x600', '.tf-ad-block', '.sidebar-ads-holder-top', '.ads-one', '.FullPageModal__scroller', '.content-ads-holder', '.widget-area', '.social-buttons', '.ac-player-ph', 'script', 'iframe', 'video', 'aside#sponsored-recommendations', 'aside[role="banner"]', 'aside', 'amp-ad', 'span[id^=ad_is_]', 'div[class*="indianapolis-optin"]', 'div[id^=google_ads_iframe]', 'div[data-google-query-id]', 'section[data-response]', 'ins.adsbygoogle', 'div[data-google-query-id]', 'div[data-test-id="fullPageSignupModal"]', 'div[data-test-id="giftWrap"]' ]; for(let i in selectors) { let nodesList = document.querySelectorAll(selectors[i]); for(let i = 0; i < nodesList.length; i++) { let el = nodesList[i]; if(el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }})();
Cookie Remover
Removes All Cookies From That Site.
javascript:void((function(){var a,b,c,e,f;f=0;a=document.cookie.split("; ");for(e=0;e
URL Compressor
Compresses Any URL